Wednesday, September 06, 2006

What to wear?

Okay folks, I know it's been awhile. But I'm still trying to stay afloat in a sea of work. Bear with me.

In the meantime - let me ask what is happening to our society as a whole?

I've been a part of the interview process (on the hiring side) for the first time in my life this week. It's kinda interesting.

But so far 2 out of the 2 candidates I met weren't dressed for everyday work hardly - much less an interview.

Now, I know looks aren't everything - but come on! You're there to impress. Your wrinkled mess of a half-buttoned shirt and sloppy looking cargo pants with sandals isn't business attire. I wouldn't even go to a "business casual" event looking like that!

And things that you should think of checking before going into an interview - check to be sure your shirt is buttoned correctly and the major buttons (i.e. - the one right between your breasts) is actually buttoned. Check your fly. Check your teeth. And check for any funky odors - think bathing regularly and deodorant.

Don't wear terribly distracting hair accessories - I don't care how much of a free-spirit you are. The 14 different flowing scarves wrapped around your noggin (that really don't match in the first place) are indeed distracting. Less hippie - more professional.

Just a few thoughts. I mean, it's not like I'm demanding a three piece suit or for anyone to spend a life savings on a suit. I'm talking a nicely pressed shirt with tie, or a nice blouse I can't see through and is buttoned matched with a nice pair of slacks - ironed of course.

It's your first and possible your only impression you get to make for me. And I get that if you're not there to wow me with your looks - that's fine. And if you're looking for a more casual environment, that's fine too. It's just not at our office. We don't even have a casual Friday. I'm not forced to wear hose or anything, but we've got to be ready should anyone "important" come through the doors.

Do a little research people! Look into the company you're interviewing with. Chances are if it's in the customer service or dealing with clients day-in and day-out ... you'll want to look professional. And heaven forbid - why not call and flat out ask if the company has a dress code.

And that's the end of my soapbox ranting today. I'll keep you posted if the rest of the candidates are sloppy or not. I'm interested to see the final tallies...

1 comment:

kate kiya said...

Whoohooo! Look at your Power Mama! YEa! That is so cool and grown up and groovy that you get to interview your first little badly dressed candidates! At the Water Department, I never did the actual interviewing, but I remember it was always a trip to see how different people would dress for the sane job interview. One day, for a "Reservoir Patrol Guard" Position ($11.21 an hour) we had one guy come in wearing a suit, one with grubby stained oily jeans and a T-Shirt, and one kind of half-way in between- HILARIOUS! Best wishes for your employee-hunt!