Saturday, September 02, 2006

Nothing to look at here folks...

Okay, for the 3 of you wondering how we're doing and how we survived Ernesto...

We're fine. Had a lot of rain and some high gusts of wind, but we are fine. Our little house is high enough and while neither of us had to report to work/school on Friday, we didn't even have too much standing water around here.

Not everyone else was as lucky. Our good friends' neighborhood about 10 minutes away had far more flooding.

Here's a couple of photos of the yard this morning after the storm...

Sorry to disappoint... there was just a ton of rain and some wind, but we didn't need an ark and there weren't any amazing water rescues of us or any of the critters.

Thanks for thinking of us (for those 3 who did). Hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend.

1 comment:

kate kiya said...

Glad to hear you didn't float away!! Hope the sun comes out for the rest of your weekend!