Saturday, September 09, 2006

Going once, going twice... SOLD

We did it!

We held our very first Marcum family yard sale today. Well, in all fairness it wasn't just our sale. We had 2 other couples in our Sunday School class come and share in the headache - I mean FUN.

Really, it wasn't bad.

We were mostly set up by 8 a.m. and just let it dwindle down until about 2:30.

Didn't have many big ticket items, but sold those pretty soon in. Got $30 for a old heavy duty push mower that I might have paid someone to haul off if I didn't get any bids. I wasn't fond of the thing and it was just sitting out behind the back stoop waiting for just an occasion. Benjamin's extra golf bag went as well.

Got rid of a few knick-nack things that had been sitting up in the attic. And speaking of the attic - I can't tell you how much we made off the inconsiderate people who lived here over the years and left their junk up there. Guess they were too lazy to haul it off themselves - so we hauled it out to the sale and made quite a few bucks off the free junk: an aquarium, some pottery, a clock, baskets, tub of silverware, etc. Nothing much - but if you add it up... it's not too shabby.

Can you believe we ever got some repeat customers? One lady was down visiting her daughter who lives across the street and she made it by at least three times. Bought a ton of junk, but isn't that just the person you want at your yard sale? Of course it made perfect sense as she talked about decking out her trailer home and displayed her fine choice of yard sale attire - Corona pajama pants. Not quite as up there as sequined tube tops and too-tight cut offs, but it's still on the "classy" list of yard sale attire.

Overall we made a nice chunk of change - not too bad for a few hours of work and minimal prep time. One set of friends made off a little better than us - but also brought a ton more stuff since they're moving in a few months. And the other couple... well, let's just say they might have broke even after buying stuff from us and couple #1.

It was fun and not TOO bad of a way to earn a few more pennies while sitting outside on a really nice day. But, I'm glad it's over and we won't have to do it again until we're ready to move off to our next destination. Then - it's all going. The less we move the more happier I'll be...

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