Thursday, April 12, 2007


So the sweetie and a I attended one of my work functions last night with several local elected officials.

I dare say since it's an election year, and the entire state delegation and many national positions are up for re-election, officials were more than happy to attend a political rally for getting more people out to vote. (Keep in mind these builders I work for want to keep building-friend people in office...)

So we had a nice time. And here's a pic of us with our local congresswoman, Thelma Drake. She's been serving our area in the House of Representatives since 2004.

Look at us! Political forces to be reckoned with!!!

And just for fun, here's one of Virginia Beach's mayor, Meyera Orbendorf, who has been a recent target on Bill O'Reilly's show on FoxNews. I never claimed to be an O'Reilly fan, but now after wrongly attacking my mayor (immigration is a federal issue - not local!!!) and sending his goons ONTO HER PRIVATE PROPERTY to confront her for TV, I'm definitely anti-O'Reilly. But here she is holding her head up high and coming out to help increase voter turn out.

And that's all for today. Yeah for politics!


Anonymous said...

Thelma may one day be President and you will be proud of that pic and of knowing her back when......

kate kiya said...

Look at you rubbing elbows with politicos! Fancy! Get to know people...start taking over the US little by little with your political connections...and I'll work on China....