Friday, April 13, 2007

A can do attitude

I was telling the sweetie about this the other day. It's a design competition held by design and construction firms across America and is done with canned food.

Basically, the idea is to design and build a piece of art with canned foods and their labels and once judged and done, the food goes to benefit local food pantries and shelters. It's called CANSTRUCTION.

Here are some photos of past years winners:

So now you now what designers and engineers can do when bored and have a few hundred cans of food laying around. I'm kidding. There's a lot of planning and thought (and food!) that goes into this competition every year. It really is a fun and good cause!

1 comment:

kate kiya said...

Ok...we need some people to drink 4,000 cans of sprite...and I need some blue, so get some kids hopped up on 300 cans of Pepsi... :) What a neat idea though- and it benefits shelters too! very cool.