Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter eggs a few days late

Sorry I didn't get to post these yesterday, but I had a busy day and even went to the dentist.

I'd love to say it was a glowing report from Dr. Funda, but I have a cracked tooth. Boo. So in May I get to get that filled. Boo again.

But here are some pretty Easter eggs to look at. Each year local artists from all over America paint and decorate eggs which represent each state and send them to White House. Then after voting the best, one artist is selected and he/she makes the main egg of the year. The Easter Egg Collection began in 1994. The American Egg Board coordinates the collection.

Here's some samples from this year. Guess which states...

Answers, in order from top to bottom:

Colorado, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington D.C., West Virginia and Wyoming.

Hip-hip-hooray for eggs.


Anonymous said...

Who won? I must know who won!!! I won't be able to sleep until I know... Oh the agony

kate kiya said...

Preettty! I have 2 seconds free right now so I'm catching up on your blog! Sorry it's been awhile!