Thursday, March 08, 2007

Oh the madness...

So, last night turned out to be more of an adventure than originally planned.

We were going to just go to dinner at a doctor's house for an event for the sweetheart's family medicine interest group at school. It was so the two local residency programs (run by the school) had a chance to talk up their programs and create interest for students to come there.

So about 15 or so students carpool and drive out to the land of far-away Suffolk. (That's a joke because Suffolk's not even a 20 minute drive from the school, but you'd have thought you'd ask them to drive to California and back!)

We get to the Dr.'s house to find the lights off, no caterer and no host in sight. And after 30 minutes and several calls being made, we discover all the students thought it was last night, but all the faculty and staff hosting thought it was this coming Monday.

Niiiiice. So guess where we'll be Monday evening? Yep, back out in far-out Suffolk.

However, the fun doesn't stop there. Tomorrow night we'll be attending the school's Spring Fling at the local oh-so-ritzy Chrysler Museum of Art.

Such a classy affair is broken down into two ticket categories - drinking and non-drinking. And what drinks do they offer at the glorious affair at the oh-so-ritzy museum? Why, boxed wine and kegged beer of course.

Niiiiice. Guess which couple will be the only non-drinking tickets there? Yeah. But, we will get to go to dinner before hand and enjoy an evening out. Here's hoping it goes well and everyone shows up on the same night.


Anonymous said...

could have been worse, you could have seen the look on Mrs. dr's face when she opened the door in her jogging suit to 15 people she was not ready for....

kate kiya said...

ohhh...hope the next trip out to the magical-far-away land of Suffolk goes better! And enjoy all those people getting drunk on cheap wine and beer! Take lots of pictures for potential blackmail! :)