Sunday, March 11, 2007

Busy little bees

So we've had quite the weekend here in Virginia... We've gotten dressed up, dressed down and even dressed the dogs.

First was the sweetheart's school's Spring Fling. We did go to dinner beforehand to a nice little restaurant and stay for about an hour at the actual event. Of course most the museum was closed, so we didn't get to really see the museum, but did see some crazy dancing med-students. Who knew dancing was such an important part of medicine... Anyway, we do clean up pretty nice.

Next we went bowling with our Sunday School class. I even beat the sweetheart on our last game. I won't embarrass us by listing our scores, but at least I wasn't the absolute worst one around...

And then this afternoon (Sunday) we made a run to Bass Pro Shop to prepare for next Monday's excursion to Lake Gaston for some fresh water fishing. And to ensure safety at all times for all of us aboard the boat (rental boat) we bought life vests for our dogs. Yes, for the dogs. Neither have been known to be water dogs and with several humans on board (some people from the sweetie's class are coming too), it's not too much to be on the safe side.

And that's it for tonight... enjoy the laugh on me. It's all me. I'm the one making them wear the life vests...

If we ever do have kids, pray for them. They're going to hate me...


Anonymous said...

I did have a laugh. Love the dog vests, I'm glad you posted the pictures. Made me miss all you Marcums, even the furry ones.

kate kiya said...

Grat pics! And your doggies look soooooooooo cute in their 'wittle 'wife jackets...awwww....

Anonymous said...

darling, why are you wearing one red bowling shoe and one black bowling shoe? Is this some new fashion statement?

Allison said...

Hey! Gosh we miss yall! Can't wait for yall to head to Texas again so we can see you! Tell all in VA hi for us. PS - I promise I will update our page is hectic with a ONE YEAR OLD!!!

Lady Katie said...

Just so everyone's clear - the bowling shoes are two tones, red on one half and black on the other. Each are split down the middle into two colors. Don't know why, but it's what I was given.