Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Death to viruses

Surprisingly, my excuse for not writing this week so far isn't work - it's all about the nasty little virus that gave me and my sweetie a run for our money and a nice lengthy visit to the local hospital emergency room. And while the photo above is most likely not the exact virus that brought me to near death - I'm going to hate it all the same.

Sunday night is when it all started. And of course it had to be right after I made a nice dinner which included some fresh sauteed spinach. And while I'll let your imagination run with virus, hospital visit and spinach - I'll skip the really horrid details.

Needless to say, it was bad - very bad - and I won't be eating spinach or leafy greens anytime terribly soon. But I'm semi-functional today and back at work. It's Valentine's Day and I'm hoping to save this week for the better.

So to all you lovers out there - enjoy your holiday. Just beware - it is cold, flu and nasty virus season. Consider yourselves warned.

1 comment:

kate kiya said...

ohhh...hope you're feeling better!!