Thursday, January 04, 2007

Thinking blue

"The sky was of the deepest blue, with a few white, fleecy clouds drifting lazily across it..." ~Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I need your help.

Our local paper is running a photo contest and I want to enter. Why? The prize is tickets to go see the Blue Man Group. And while you may not care, I'd LOVE to go see the group.

The catch? The photo naturally must be something blue. Preferably me or a person with the something blue.

So, what's out there that strikes your mind as photo-worthy and is blue? I need some creativity here.

And to help get you started, here's a couple blue things I've found...

I know, they're all very nice. But now it's your turn. What's something blue you know of or can think of that you know would make a great photo? Please, PLEASE leave me some feedback folks. I really am wanting to do this and see what I can come up with.

Think blue!


Anonymous said...

I still vote we paint Jackie blue. To bad you don't want to...

Anonymous said...

Your picture of the Sea Rays in Atlanta with Mattie last year

Anonymous said...

What about a picture you took while y'all were in Jamaica???

Allison said...

I like Ben's idea to paint Jackie! Too funny! I was thinking something ocean or water since yall still live near the beach! Sorry...I am not too creative...I will work on it!

Anonymous said...

what happened to all those pictures of us in the blue bonnets at independence, TX?

Anonymous said...

Mom said paint Austin