Monday, August 21, 2006

A new four-letter word...

Welcome to what will be the first of many blog posts about my new sad attempts at learning the world's most exasperating sport - GOLF.

Isn't that funny? Me - a person who is so easily frustrated (as my hubby put it) is attempting to learn the world's most frustrating sport.

So, we went to the driving range on Friday evening. It looked something like this...

Not my best sporting moment - but I never threw a club and didn't even let a single curse word slip out.

I wasn't Tigress Woods - but I also didn't bean anyone in the head or fling a club halfway on the range.

That's got to be worth something.

Anyway, I love my new set of clubs. They're RAM for anyone who's wondering. I hope and plan on geting good use out of them. No - not as weapons or to inflict pain on anyone, but as golf clubs.

They really are nice, but after Friday's "experience" I was wondering if this set was more in my league...

But alas, I will press on and I will get better. I mean, really, that's the only way I can go. I can't get any worse... trust me.

So, keep on the lookout for a golf update here and there. And until then, enjoy a little funny.


kate kiya said...

Kudos to you!! We were forced to play golf in gym class in highschool- I couldn't hit a SINGLE ball- after that experience I gave up EVER wanting to play golf again and never have! I stick to mini golf! But I am impressed with you!! It ain't easy for sure!! You'll be Tigress Woods before you know it! :)

Anonymous said...

your grandfather William Porter played golf, regularly, weekly - so whatever interest/ability you have it's from him because NOONE on the Hinckley side ever touched a golf club, other than putt-putt. Look at it this way, you are better than former Pres Gerald Ford who played regularly and hit people regularly.

Anonymous said...

I am not aninymouse-anaamouse, whatever, I am mom...just because I forgot to type my name...this puter should recognise my fingerprints by now.