Monday, July 31, 2006

I'm melting... meeelllllttttttting...

Well ladies and gents, the in-laws have come and gone and now I'm returning to a semi-normal state of life.

We had a good visit, but let me tell you - this heat is horrible. Not good sight-seeing weather in the least. The evenings are some-what tolerable, but there's just no relief during the day.

So here's a small wish of fall coming SOON - or at least a big old cold front.


Anonymous said...

you should try living in Texas

Anonymous said...

we did and it was hot. now we are spoiled and complain when it gets above 80. tsk tsk tsk...

kate kiya said...

glad you survived your week-end! The new job is going ok after a couple days...a little stressful, but I'll be ok...I'll write to you soon! Stay cool! Think cold thoughts!!! love ya!