Thursday, April 05, 2007

Blooms and buds

"What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be not forever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
Grief not, rather find,
Strength in what remains behind,
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be,
In the soothing thoughts that spring
Out of Human suffering,
In the faith that looks through death
In years that bring philophic mind."
~William Wordsworth

Oh, Spring is here and we've once again been given the treat of seeing some great spring flora pop up around our house. Of course majority of it isn't anything we've planted, but it's still fun to enjoy. And we better enjoy them before summer arrives and they're gone!

First are the Azalea bushes. There's a dark pink, medium pink and light pink. Pretty...

Next up are our lovely little tulips. We've planted some more this year, but they haven't bloomed quite yet. Plus, I've got some more to plant now too. But here's a few of what we do have in bloom...

And of course, what would my blog be without a spring picture or two of the pups. This morning they were soaking up some sun and keeping an eye out on the kids across the street waiting for the bus. In the second one you can see Austin (our cat) in the door a little too. He loves the sunlight!

And last, here are two of the flower beds we've added in around our trees in the front yard. We just put in the black edging a week or so ago and have already had to repair several spots (replace pieces) thanks to a wild time on the riding mower our neighbor let SOMEONE play with and test out. Thanks, Paul. He had a great time! ;) But they're looking great now.

The plants are snapdragons in case any one was wondering. Some are still kicking from last year (the non-flowering ones) and some are new this year (the flowering ones). They'll fill out in a few weeks and behind them we're adding in a bunch of caladiums. It ought to look really amazing once everything's grown in. I'll keep you posted.

Happy Spring!


kate kiya said...

Ohhh soo pretty! I like the poem quote too. I can't believe you already have flowers! Well, yes I can, but you know what I mean. We got a little bit of SNOW last night! Agk! Brrr!!! I planted some bulbs last year (the squirrels got most of them)...but two little baby irises popped up this past week when it was warm...spring is coming soon I hope!

Allison said...

Hey! Your yard looks great! Wish mine looked like that. We miss yall. Have a great Easter!