Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Anywhere but here...

It's been a rough couple of days at work. Several deadlines and a much-too-cranky boss.

Plus there's a no-good, very unflattering article going to come out in the local paper any day now regarding a division of the company I work for, so everyone is on pins and needles. Not fun at all.
So I'm taking a little mind vacation. And that means traveling to far off lands in mind.

These photos are of small replicas of world landmarks and buildings. I don't even know where this place is that has all these pieces of a mini-world, I just know I'd rather be there than here.

Ahhhhh... I'm feeling a little better already.

What's that you say, I have a project due? I'm too busy listening to a great symphony at the Sydney Opera House...

You need me to fax what to who? I can't, I'm admiring the stained glass at Notre Dame...

You botched up this presentation and need me to save your hide? Can't. I'm snapping pictures of the Leaning Tower of Piza...

Forget work - I'm working hard not to hit my head on the Eiffel Tower. (Did you see the low clearance on that one?)

I'll check in with you all tomorrow. Until then, enjoy a little around-the-world trip on me.

1 comment:

kate kiya said...

Sorry work has been mega-stressful for you lately. I'm slogging along right next to ya hon! :) Thanks for the mini round-the-world vacation...ah...that place looks really interesting!