Thursday, February 01, 2007

Going far far away...

I've had a week guys. A full week in work and stress, but only four working days. And those four were enough to make a dead person go insane. Not fun. Taxing. And I'm officially over it. It's done. I'm done.

So, three cheers for taking a three-day weekend! I've finished my February paper (finally!) and am taking Friday off. It's part vacation - part mental health day.

But, of course I've had to hear some grumbling from the peanut gallery about the slow-to-no post kind of week. I apologize, but this stop-and-start cardiac kind of week was enough to overflow my plate and make me want to start an ugly food fight.

But enough about that. It's behind me.

So alas, I'll catch up a little. My sweetheart and I have taken over teaching our Sunday School class as our previous teachers were forced to step down due to ongoing health concerns. So, not wanting our class to dissolve, we stepped up and took it on. Sounds great in theory, but it's a load on top of our already busy work loads. It's very manageable, if only we weren't fussing over the lessons as we prepare it. We're currently covering a book titled "Not your Parents Marriage." It speaks of how we must separate from our previous lives as children and come into our own identity and that identity in our new marriages. Pretty interesting materials and we've yet to have prepared a lesson without having our own discussion over the materials in less than an hour. If you're interested, the books available at any LifeWay book store or online.

What else... The sweetie's brother Stephen - my favorite brother-in-law (and only brother-in-law) bought a new truck. Haven't seen pictures, but it's a Dodge 1500 and it's silver. Much like my sweetie's was before it died trying to get us out to Virginia. May it rest in peace.

My sister Rachel's been navigating over 30 girls through Rush for her sorority and is now training about 8 or 9 I think. Check out her blog for more info.

Seth, the eldest of my three younger brothers, got to go on a specially arranged trophy hunt. The hunt was made just for disabled kids. So, being special needs, he didn't actually shoot the deer, but he got to tell dad to shoot it. And so Seth bagged a nice 11-point deer. The rack was especially notable as it had a drop-tine and had some velvet left on that the deer was unable to rub off. He's unique and being made into a mount. See pics below.

And that's about it from our neck of the woods. I'm going to be MIA until Monday, but hope to be better at posting next week.

But, as fair warning, my company's gearing up for one of our big weekend home shows (the weekend after Valentine's) and our office is pretty much hitting on all cylinders and then some. We've combined with the horticultural society to make it a bigger and better (more 'green') show, so it's double the work and double the "fun" of making it happen.

So that means I get at least a couple "Get Out of Jail Free Cards" for not posting everyday. It's not because I don't love you or think that you, my loyal reading audience, isn't important... it's me. Me and my crazy schedule.

So there. Feel loved and be patient.

1 comment:

kate kiya said...

Nice Update on all the fam and happenings! Hope work is manageable you poordear!