Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Crazy dogs!

I love my dogs. They're great companions and love us so much. Plus, in the mornings they love to cuddle and warm me up very nicely.

But the truth of it is, they are a little crazy. Jackie, our beloved and well-trained Jack Russell, knows to ring the bell by the door in order to be let out. Great, right? No. She rings it constantly and even after she comes back in she's right back to ringing the bell because she must not have done everything the first time.

Or once we let her out, like I did at lunch today, she just stands there. No sniffing the ground or searching for that one good spot to go - no, she just stands there looking at me like "I'm waiting." Not sure what she's waiting for besides me repeating myself over and over "Go potty," like she didn't hear me any of the other 33 times I said it.

:::Sigh::: I love them and couldn't live without them, but sometime wonder what exactly is going through that little peanut-brain. So I did some research and this is about all I could find:

SO - am I any better off? No, but at least I smiled. And that's a good thing.

1 comment:

kate kiya said...

Good cartoons! Love it! Sometimes I wish I had a dog....but then I'd probably try to sell it as soon as it wouldn't go potty when I wanted it too! I like living a dog-owners life through you instead. :)