Monday, January 22, 2007

Say what?

So, does anyone know what happened to my day?

I came to work, got busy on my ever-growing pile of stuff to do - and WHAM - it was already 12:30.

I swear to you, I blinked again and it was 2 something. So I run to grab a bite, come back to work and now it's 4:33.

Huh? Where's my day? I seriously don't mind it going so fast, but it's like I'm out of 8 hours of my life and it's not going to come back.


And that's about it. I can' think of anything else at the moment, except my bitterness at not getting a single drop of snow yet again. This winter is stupid. Arizona and Texas are belted with snow and ice and all sorts of wintery goodness and once again I get nothing more than cold rain.

So, for that I'm blaming global warming, Al Gore and the state of Alaska. Why those three? Because I'm wondering if global warming isn't such a farce, Al Gore might be right for once and Alaska is so stinking greedy with all their snow and winter weather! So there!


mom said...

know how you feel about the time thing. I've been awake since 5:30 and I've thought it was time to go to bed all day! ;)

Allison said...

Had a great time hanging with yall on Sunday. Can't wait to see you again!

kate kiya said...

no no no! keep the snow away! I don't want to shovel...oh wait a minute...yes, I do want it to snow because now I get snow days from school! bring on the snow!!