Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Everybody wants to go to heaven

I know I already posted today, but I couldn't help share these with you. These are photos taken of my favorite spot on earth. (You may not share in my sentiments, but this isn't your blog, now is it?) Think of it, if you will, as my heaven-on-earth.

These are of the Chateau where my bestest-est friend Kate and I stayed at during our two summers in France with Teen Missions International. This place, L'Hermon (Mount Hermon is referred to several times in the bible in Psalms and in Joshua), is beyond wonderful to me and holds a lot of fun memories.

Not that you can grasp the full picture of the place by these few photos, but I wanted to show you just a little piece of something I love very much.

Again, they may not mean anything to you, but they're some of the best photos I've found of it. (My photo taking skills at 14 and 16 weren't as they are now.)

Plus, you see that pond in the second to bottom photo? Yeah, I helped build it. Yep, help sort and wash the stones used to make it and poured concrete - by the bucket - to create its foundation. And if you cared to dive to the bottom of it - you'd find my initials (well, my pre-married initials), plus Kate's, carved into the concrete with 04 & 06 next to them. And see that nice pretty road in the third and fourth photos from the top - yeah, I helped make it too. Kate and I scalped grass, dug drainage ditches and helped put in the drains to make it a real road up to the house instead of a dirt path.

And while I haven't found a photo of my little ivy-covered wall, I now have a Web site to check out the latest happenings at the chateau. Yea!!!


Anonymous said...

I can't read French about the site. Your pic's are good

kate kiya said...

love it love it love it! Every time I see those pictures my heart just leaps with happiness! :)