Friday, December 15, 2006

Gluttons for punishment...

For the 3.2 of you out there unaware that we (my sweetheart and I) are two transplant Texans - consider yourself now informed. We hail from the Lone Star State and leave Sunday for a nice LONG drive home for the holidays.

LONG doesn't even seem to capture the whole idea of the trip, really. But, never the less, we're leaving out and won't be back until January.

HAVE NO FEAR - I will be attempting to post along the way. I just simply couldn't imagine making y'all live without some great pearls of wisdom for over 2 weeks.

But, until I get myself packed and ready and on the road, I can't spend much time blogging. So, today, you get random funnies. Laugh, enjoy and be merry.


kate kiya said...

thanks for making me laugh! best wishes on your tip home!!! happy toughts for you for Chirstmas and New Year's and always...

Allison said...

I can't believe yall are driving! Just don't let Ben drive through the night like Brian did the year we drove home! Be safe and call us when we get to town! Can't wait to see you!