Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Stupid cheese

I'm mad at the cheese right now.

I know that reads pretty weird. Mad... at... cheese?!? Confusing, I know.

So to fill you in, last night the hubby and I had a friend over for dinner. Nothing fancy at all - grilled burgers and homemade ice cream. (Sorry dad, it wasn't your original vanilla recipe - Hubby made a Milky Way batch.)

So to compliment the fine burgers, hubby had bought some corn chips and cheese dip.

And I know that no one likes cold cheese dip. It's not nearly as good gooey goodness as heated cheese dip.

So I heated it in the mircowave - like I've done a few hundred times before. And no, it didn't boil over or explode. That would have been a mess.

It heated properly and was good and gooey. Yum. So I get it out of the microwave and as I'm carrying it into the dining area the stupid little glued on label decides to let go of the warm glass jar. So that means my little hand carrying the jar slips down with the label, causing the jar to tilt at an angle which causes the cheese to flow from the said jar.

Spilled cheese - no, there's no crying over spilt cheese. The crying and hatred of the cheese came from the hot (BOILING!) cheese running down my fingers and hand.

Hot cheese oozing it's way down my fingers desperately clutching the tilting jar.

And again, for bonus points - no cursing or throwing of objects occured. Just crying and lots of running my hand under water or sitting it in ice.

Overall, it isn't a bad burn. And as the dear sweet hubby pointed out - "It's not even a second degree burn."

Thanks. It still hurts like heck - but at least it didn't get down to the dermis. Because afterall, the dermis was my first concern. Not the throbbing pain or swollen blisters now popping up. (I'm being playful here Hubby - no ruffled feathers. All in good humor...)

SO that's why I'm hating the cheese right now. It had it out for me. It was plotting and planning in the store to do this. It made sure it's label wasn't glued on properly. It intentionally made itself pour its hot scalding liquid goodness over my delicate little fingers.

NO - it wasn't beacuse the label said not to heat in original container. It wasn't in any way - even remotely - user error. It's all the cheese's fault.

Stupid cheese.


Anonymous said...

Consider my feather official ruffled. You can unruffle them later.

Anonymous said...

Thats feathers and officially... immunology is killing me...

kate kiya said...

awww...you poor thing. How can the most wonderful food in the world so such a terrible thing?! This is no good, no good at all!!

Anonymous said...

cheese has long been known as a violent item. As in "who cut the cheese..."