Thursday, May 04, 2006

Trying something new

So, I've been blogging awhile, just not here. So this is for all you people out there who've missed my other blog.

This is my family. Furry? Yes. But, for the most part, they're good to me.

Bad photo? Yes. But it was a cold windy day down at the oceanfront. Cut me some slack.

Benjamin, the hubby, is on the far left holding our first "child." She's Jackie, a Jack Russell Terrier. Original naming, I know - but Jackie's a great dog and is pretty darn smart. She's four and we've had her longer than we've been married. A great companion, she's very loyal and loves to cuddle up under the covers with you in the morning. She's my kind of dog.

I'm on the right holding the newest member of the family, Baylee. A cute face with a good heart, she's not the smartest dog in the world, but is still young. She's trainable - so that's a plus. She's still puppy, so sleeping in and cuddling aren't high on her list of favorite things to do. But again, she's trainable.

Have a cat as well - he's just not in the beach photo. For some odd reason, he's just not the beach type. But he's grey and lazy and loves to look out the windows of the house. He's cuddly on occasion and hates to be left at home alone while we're on vacation. His name is Austin.

The fuzzy family currently resides in Virginia Beach while the hubby attends medical school. People love to ask how much longer he's got to go. Just trust me when I say "forever." Keep reading the blog for updates.

I work at the local builders association as editor of the company newspaper (a monthly) and do PR and photography.

Photography is a passion but I don't have enough time to do it. However, I do feature my own work in my office and at home. I love black and white 35mm, but also enjoy the
convenience of my digital SLR. I don't have much of my previous work on the computer since they are mostly 35mm B&W , but do have some digitals around. To the right is a Texas sunset on the gulf.

Texas was home for the first 24 years of my existence. Don't know where we'll be after Virginia, but I'm open to trying new things. I'm a firm believer in branching out and learning new ideas and influencing you life with new cultures. Life's too short to be mundane or closed minded.

Want more about me? I'll make it easy:

Favorite athletic activity - snow skiing; Favorite place - a little ivy-covered wall in the south of France; Favorite Movie - Gone With The Wind; Favorite actor - Audrey Hepburn; Must see TV - Grey's Anatomy; Can't watch enough rerun - Frasier; Favorite colors - green and yellow; Most frequent Starbucks order - Hot Carmel Apple Cider; Guilty pleasure - cheesecake; What's currently in the fridge - the essentials and a cantaloupe; Won't eat it - shushi or tofu; Can't live without it - ice cream; Bad Habit - eBay shopping while at work; Favorite work distraction - blogging; I miss - good Mexican food; I live for - sleeping in; Must have - Burt's Bees Lip Balm; Brush my teeth with - Colgate 2-in-1 Whitening.

Am I missing something....

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