Friday, April 11, 2008

Not much to say

So really, there hasn't been any earth-shaking kind of news on our end. Life keeps happening and we've got nothing terribly fun or news-making to report.

I guess if you're desperate enough, here's a few things:

Thanks to a bad economy (heaven forbid we say the "r-word"), my boss decided with some other department heads to sacrifice a position in our department. Which means, while the girl who filled the position wasn't fired or demoted, she's got new job duties in other departments so they won't have to hire any one to fill an already open position. (A position I half-jokingly said I'd take a pay cut to do since it was less stress). All that to say, I'm now going to be doing a big chunk of her job duties, plus mine and all for no extra pay. Words don't do justice to how I feel about this precious little nugget, so I'll move on.

We've now shelled out over $1,500 to schedule the hubby's next steps to getting his medical licence upon graduating with his M.D. next spring. I never knew there were test that cost over $1,000 - but there are and we have the joys of paying for them. Yea.

On a brighter note, we have booked a nice cruise vacation for ourselves at the end of June/early July - which with the looks of what's going to be on my plate for the next several months - I'm going to need desperately by then. We're also planning on a quick excursion to the Outer Banks in a couple of weekends to get away for a day or two before the hubby starts his last rotation of his third year - surgery.

How bad can a surgery rotation be you ask? Let's put it this way... True story: A surgeon walks past a medical school student who's catching a few last glimpses of a rising sun in the early morning hours before heading inside the hospital. Without even looking up, he tells the student, "That's not for us. Get inside." Students are to get there by 5 a.m. and often don't leave until 8 or 9 p.m. with no stopping in between.

And finally, next weekend we'll be heading to D.C. to see my family who will be in town for a convention. The part I'm looking forward to the most? That would be the segway tour I've book for me, dad and my aunt. Report to come.

Happy weekend.

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