Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Yes, I'm alive.

I know it's been awhile. But there has been quite a few things going on around here.

Let's see... where did I leave off?

I'm now officially doing two jobs for my same crummy pay. No excitement there. We got the official makeover for our department - new paint and carpet. It wasn't too bad - got a couple days of working from home out of the deal - but also got my nice desk all torn up and some serious cuts, bangs and smudges all over the newly painted walls thanks to the temps who "helped" move us back in. Oh well, it's not my furniture or walls. I'm not paying one penny to fix anything, so I keep my opinions to myself - at least at work. All in all, new carpet: good, walls and desk: not looking so good.

Hubby's wrapping up his OB/GYN rotation this week. Delivering babies sounds far more glamorous than it is. No movie does it justice from what I hear... I'll spare you the messiness. However, his surgery rotation will begin Monday. It's just two months, but is more messy and gross than delivering babies I imagine. Yummy. I'm thankful it's him and not me. I'd hate to lose my lunch in the middle of someone's appendectomy.

Tonight (for me) is a political shin-dig with former Virginia governor Mark Warner. Rubbing elbows with the guy running for the senate can't be ALL that bad. Plus, it's free food at the new glitzy theater here in town (Sandler Center for the Arts). Niiice.

This weekend is our trip to the Outer Banks for some much needed R&R before the next two long months of work. I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing except for reading, sleeping and lounging out on the beach - if the weather cooperates. And if not, I can lounge in the hotel room and read. Still quiet and restful. Just what the doctor ordered.

And last of all, I haven't forgotten the promised photos from our trip to D.C. and the segway tour. And just incase you were wondering, riding a Segway (or called gliding according to Segway enthusiasts) is not lazy or work-free. Balancing on those boogers is more difficult than it looks and makes you work some serious muscles in your feet and legs. However, it is SO worth it. We had such a great time and enjoyed our two hour tour tremendously. And I will post photos soon, but I'm at work and they are at home, still in the camera. I've also got some fun videos of the adventure as well. SO - keep an eye out later this week for pics and video.

That's all for now.

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