Thursday, April 03, 2008

A beautiful day in the neighborhood

Fresh from my whirlwind trip of 24 hours in Texas, I am wrapping up a peaceful week of work without a boss. It's so nice not to be micro-managed and argued with at every little turn. :::Ahhhhh:::

Anyway, that's not the point of today's post. I just wanted to share some pics and tell you how proud Mr. Rogers would be to see our little house in our neighborhood all blooming with signs of spring. It truly is beautiful thanks to the hard work of one wonderful husband and despite the efforts of both the dogs to trample - not just ours - but every flowerbed in a three home radius.

This is of one of our three Azalea bushes. I love it when they're in bloom.

This is the front bed - a mix of tulips, pansies and some other little red things I can't remember the name of. The hubby will know.

Another Azalea with more tulips, some mums (not in bloom), day lilies (not blooming either) and those red things again.

Our newest flowerbed, complete with red tulips, pansies and a metal fixture on which we are trying to get ivy growing up. This bed was basically placed here to cover the dog landing spot from the front door as they lept to go chase the nearest squirrel or bird. The space to the right of it now isn't growing anything since they now land there.

And while this is no flower, Mr. Rogers would still be proud of a lamb made of butter. No, I didn't make it - it was a gift along with some raisin bread (I hate raisins). I thought it cute enough to warrant a photo.

Happy spring!


Allison said...

Your flowers are beautiful and the butter is interesting! How was your trip to Texas? Did you have fun roasting your sis? Come back soon so we can hang out!

Anonymous said...

just how does one do butter into the shape of lambs? Is it possible to do a giraffe? ;) will see u again b4 u know it.