Monday, January 28, 2008

Shred head

This past weekend I was a busy little bee and did some serious spring cleaning/organizing of the attic. Why the attic - the room NO ONE sees? Well, it was a wreck thanks to previous "cleaning" efforts - meaning it was the catchall for all the crap we wanted to hide or put away while company came.

:::Tisk tisk::: So, it was due for some organizing and purging. I LOVE purging. Call me weird, but I like the sense of cleanliness and progress when I've taken an entire trunk and back seat worth's of junk and clothing to the local thrift store donation center. And it's not all junky junk. It's good stuff I paid good money for at one point in time, but no longer need or have space for.

Anyway, part of my enjoyment (and thus nerdiness) of doing some organizing this weekend came from shredding old check duplicates. These dated clear back to early college days as well as early married days - days of earning even less than I am today, if that is even possible.

I was amazed to see so many checks written in the first place. Hardly anyone writes checks any longer. I mean if you don't have cash or a debit/credit card, you're SOL these days. But here was proof that less than 10 years ago, I'd written checks at places like Olive Garden, Pizza Hut, and the local movie theater. Try doing that today...

Then I noticed the itsy-bitsy amounts we'd write the checks for... $3 here or $5 there. Come on?!? The check paper and printing alone probably cost more than that. And that was seriously less than 6 or so years back. Thank heavens we've moved beyond that!

But they are all now shredded and gone. Does anyone else out there love a good cleansing shredding session?


Anonymous said...

your grandmother enjoys shredding too - a family trait? She also enjoyed a good "salty dog" - vodka and grapefruit juice in a salt encrusted glass. Bet you can't imagine your granny with a drink in her hand; granted, the last time I saw her drink was at a wedding and Randy was just turning one......just think of it as one of those crazy things your ancestors did when they were young, if you can imagine your grandmother as ever young.

Anonymous said...

You are so funny! I absolutely LOVE organizing things. I recently bought TWELVE 70-gallon clear plastic totes and completely organized our attic. Mike thinks it was a total waste of money but I refuse to be "that house" that everyone knows of that is filled to the brim with junk.