Thursday, January 31, 2008

What's a girl to do?

It's that time again. Next Tuesday is Mardi Gras, which means Wednesday begins the season of Lent.

Despite being from a more Protestant background, I've give up something for Lent for probably about 12 or so years now. It all started when I did it to support a friend, but now I enjoy doing it for personal reasons.

In years past, I've given up things like fried foods, caffeine, ice cream, beef, and sodas.

So for this year, I'm wondering what could give up. Something I haven't done before. A possible list:

  • All sweets
  • TV
  • All meats (minus fish - I need SOMETHING to balance out the diet)
  • All drinks but water or milk

Any other suggestions? Any one you'd like to see me try to live without until Easter, March 23? (That's 53 whole days for you keeping count.)

Alas, I don't smoke - so I can't swear that off. Personal hygiene things like bathing, deodorant and teeth cleaning are nonnegotiable. Sleep is also a must. But I'm open to most other things. Feedback, please!


Anonymous said...

perhaps all artificial sweeteners might work...anything with chocolate or coconut...all flavors of Blue Belle except homemade vanilla...

The Queen said...

We here give up Chocolate, that is after Fat Tuesday, my hospital every year has a Chocolate Extravaganza the money goes to the family hospic and we get to enjoy eight tastes of chocolate. Yummy

The Queen said...

oh the reason I comment to you is your on my daughter inlaws fav. and I wanted to say how much I like your layout on your blog