Friday, February 05, 2010

February is here

Well, one month down for 2010. We're getting by and dreaming of warmer, sunnier days. And, unlike our friends out east, we're not getting all that much snow. We might get an inch here or there, but nothing to really blog about. Really, it's just cold. It never seems to get above 40 and sunshine is rarely seen. I can see how people get seasonal affective disorder around here.

School's going alright for me. Ended up making Dean's List for last semester. Should be able to pull that off again this semester. My two harder classes are both on Monday. Photojournalism has been pretty fun. I get to go do fun things like go into the Operating Room and get photos of my honey helping out in a couple of surgeries. Definitely the highlight of my classes so far.

My work has slowed up to just one shift a week, if that. I'm going to have to figure out something for this summer as well, since I won't be able to take classes (they don't offer upper-level classes in the summer session). We are hoping to make a trip back east for a little while in July or August for the hubby to do some elective training and recruiting for the program. I hope to catch up with friends and the beach again.

Not much else going on that's exciting. We put new tires on the Jeep a few weeks back. Honey did a great job shopping around. Sears gave us an unbelievable price on some great Wrangler tires. Turns out it was too good of a price as it was for the wrong tires, but the hubby made them honor the estimate and after having to drive back up to Idaho Falls a couple of weeks later, we got them put on and balanced.

Not too long after that we had to drive 1 1/2 hours away to Twin Falls to get to an official Sprint store to get the hubby's phone traded in for one that actually works. He ended up with a HTC Touch Pro (I think). Not as wonderful as we'd hoped, but it runs all his software without causing the phone to freak out, lock up or melt down. His stupid Treo never could run the software, so this is an improvement. We're finished with Sprint come September. It offers the worst service here in Potato-land and hasn't offered up any must-have phone since the iPhone came out years ago on AT&T, so why bother staying? We'll have to decide whether we go with Verizon or AT&T come fall, but I'm wanting to wait and see if Apple opens up the iPhone to Verizon. Of course I'd like to see Flash work with the iPhone and a better camera on it too. We'll see...

Looking forward, the hubby begins his night float rotation on Monday. That means he reports to work at 7pm and keeps the hospital service running until 7am when the day shift comes back on. So, it seems that I'll see him as he come home to bed around 8am as I get up and going for class and then again after I'm done at 5:30pm for dinner before he heads back up the the hospital. I already know it's going to be crazy for us, but the pups are going to LOVE having someone in bed most of the day to snuggle up with.

We're all looking forward to March. Hubby's sis is coming for a visit for Spring Break and we're hoping to go snowmobiling or something fun up around Yellowstone. But we must survive the next month first. At least I've got the Olympics to watch for a couple of weeks. I love the Olympics. Can't wait!


Allison said...

when are you looking at heading east? let me know...maybe we can work it out to visit then too!

BAM said...

ummmm it's May.

BAM said...

Ummm... It's May.