Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A new year: blah blah blah

So, it's now 2010. Not that it's going to be SO different from 2009. But I guess it will mean us staying put in one place. Last year we traveled all over and moved across a continent.

2010 is going to be us still figuring out where we belong in this Idaho/residency world. I've got a place as a student. Hubby's got work - but we're not really plugged into close friends and church like we had back in Virginia. It's just a far different world than we're use to. It's given me a whole new meaning and better understanding of the term "culture shock." I wasn't created in Potato-land and never dreamed this would be where I lived for even a short period of my life. France? Sure I could SOOO live there. Virginia? Yeah, not too terribly different than life in Texas - just has better beaches AND mountains. New York City? DC? It'd take some adjusting, but I know I'd love the city life and the opportunities it afforded.

Not so many opportunities of city life here in Poky. It's the most puzzling town. It's suppose to be a college town, but there's such a lack of nightlife, ethnic foods, shopping, events, etc. that you'd think the university was nothing more than a local junior college continuing-education branch office.

This is how the people here like it. And it wouldn't be a huge problem if I wasn't enrolled in a Photojournalism class this semester. Our prof wants us to get "street life" and the going-ons of this town this week. Problem is - nothing is going on. I searched Web sites for the local paper, the university and TV stations for MLK Day events. None. This place isn't even culturally diverse enough to merit a community-wide event honoring MLK. Turns out there was a march through campus, but I never saw it advertised. So now I've got just a few days to take 20 pics of the happenings in town and nothing is happening. And it's cold and winter - so nothing is planned to happen. Joy.

But for the most part, life's okay and we're just tooling along as we work our way into a new decade. My goal for 2010 is to be a better blogger. So, here's to a newly updated blog and a new decade.

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