Friday, October 02, 2009

Miscellaneous musings

So I know it's been awhile. I've started a few posts, but scrapped them because there's just not enough to make sense. But I don't want anyone to think I've died. So I post random thoughts:

1.) I hate living in a different town than my husband is. It's not permanent, I know. But I'm miserable nonetheless and so is he. We know we work better together than apart, so the 16th can't come soon enough for us.

2.) We are now living in a place that it snows in the month of September. Holy crap! September in Texas and Virginia can be good beach weather complete with shorts and flip flops. I was driving in snow on September 30. I have a feeling we're grossly under-prepared for this winter. Anyone want to donate to the "we need a snowblower" fund?

3.) I'm really enjoying having my DVR back. It's not my Tivo, but at least I can record something and watch it later - fast forwarding through stupid commercials. Yes, I've become too good for commercials.

4.) I'm also very depressed knowing that Baylor's star quarterback is out for the season. I'm hoping that they can still pull off a win or two, but I know the bowl game we were hoping for is pretty much out the window. I don't have a lack of faith, but have a realistic view after being a Baylor fan for so many years.

5.) I'm missing my Jeep. I've been stuck with the car because we're having worlds of trouble getting it titled here in Idaho and have no sign of getting this resolved. I'm  beyond mad at Chrysler Financial for not dealing with this, especially since we started this process in JUNE!!! If I could climb through the phone and strangle people, there would be far fewer employees at that place. Grrrr.

6.) I'm amazed that the local ABC affiliate is overriding the regular ABC materials this weekend, including college football and NASCAR, to broadcast the semi-annual general LDS conference. That would be like Dallas, Waco or Austin broadcasting the Southern Baptist Convention. I can't imagine the insane reaction the affiliates would receive by doing something like that. Yet here, no one is blinking an eye. I'm telling you, this place is like no other.

7.) School's going well for me. I'm coming to realize I am probably the most disciplined and interested student in all my classes. Doesn't bother me, just makes me the target for stupid punks to ask for notes and my work. Don't worry, I'm not passing it out. I'm mean, if I can manage to go to class and take notes, so can everyone else. I'm also tutoring a Taiwanese girl that tends to be a little more lazy than I'd like to see. But I'm getting paid to teach and re-teach her the same stuff while she refuses to put a whole lot into it. Not my fault if she fails, I can't take the tests for her. She's going to have to study on her own. In the meantime, I kicked some midterm butt today in my hardest class, so that's a nice thing to know going into my weekend.

8.) I'm going tomorrow to go see my sweetie in Boise. We were going to take in a Boise State game on the smurf turf, but shelved that idea when the weather is calling for 40's and rain. I might go if they were playing Baylor, but no blue turf is worth my lips turning blue and pneumonia. Maybe next season we can go make a weekend out of it and stay at a real hotel and not the questionable apartment he's had to live in for over a month now. 

9.) We have a yard! Got our sod installed two weekends ago and are watering the thunder out of it, when it's not snowing. I'm hoping it roots out really well before any long stretches of freeze. We've had some overnight freezing already, but nothing days on end. It's coming, we know. I just want the expensive grass to get down good before it does. 

10.) The critters are doing well. Both went to the groomers today and weren't too happy. But I was forgiven after buying their love with some chicken nuggets. They look very pretty and smell great. That will last maybe two days, three tops.

That's really all I can think of for now. I've put pictures on Facebook if anyone wants to see what else we're up to. Went to some cool waterfalls in the far corner of Yellowstone a couple weekends ago when the honey was home. Check them out and have a great weekend!

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