Wednesday, September 09, 2009

9-9-09 = A whole lot of nada

Everyone was making quite a deal of the 09-09-09 date, and yet today's been like most ordinary days for me here.

I'm flying solo now that the hubby's doing his peds training in Boise. I've seen him a  couple times over the past couple weeks and he's due home in a little over a week. In the meantime, I keep busy with school and classwork. I'm really loving what I'm doing and grateful to be back in a college setting. Not that I don't miss my sweetie like crazy, I just like that I now have something to help occupy the hours.

The house continues to be a work in progress - mainly outside. We've installed our own sprinkler system and only need a few tweaks here and there before it's good to go. It works pretty well now, just have a few sprinkler heads that aren't coming to life when the water's turned on. Once that's all done and the yard gets smoothed out, we'll get sod installed and have a real yard. The pups can't wait since they've had to go to the greenbelt and overgrown lots around for their bathroom needs. One day we'll get a fence and some proper-looking flowerbeds, but since it's about to be fall/winter, we're going to wait and see. I'd hate to spend any good amount of money on flowers or such to only see them killed in the first freeze. And seeing how it's getting into the low 40's at night now on a pretty regular basis, I'm going to guess a freeze will be sooner rather than later.

I just got back from a wonderful trip to New York with some of my college friends. I can't get over how much I love that city. I've been maybe 4 or 5 times now and still want to go back over and over. There's too much to see and do - and eat! Oh, the food alone is worth a trip. I'm glad I don't have those kinds of choices here - I'd explode! Pics are up on Facebook for anyone who cares. I'd post some here, but Blogger's being its usual pain-in-the-butt and I'm too tired to fight it more tonight.

Not much else going on to speak of in our world. School for me, work for him - pretty much a switcheroo from where we were a year ago. The pups are doing well and Austin's being a normal crazy cat. I think he's loving the cool weather at night as it seems to give him energy to pounce and run all over the house like a crazed animal.

And that's all for now kids. More when something exciting happens. Or not. There just isn't much exciting in the town.

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