Monday, March 23, 2009

Time for some Ketchup

Okay, so FOREVER doesn't begin to describe how long it's been, I know. I'm reminded frequently by those I love. However, life is flying by us right now so quickly, it turned January into the end of March before I even realized.

So, let me begin by telling everyone how our Holidays and January went. After Alaska, we visited with family for awhile and then headed up to the mountains of Colorado for some much-deserved R&R in a little quiet cabin near Allenspark. With no internet, no cell phone signals, and a nice hot tub for soaking under the stars - it was a wonderful Christmas with just us and the pups.

After a week away from everything, we moved into our home-away-from-home in Fort Collins for a month so Benjamin could do an away rotation in family medicine. It was a great town and a fun place to spend a month. While there, the hubby's parents came for a snowy visit and a wonderful time complete with a dinner sleigh ride. I'll tack on the pics below.

We made it back to Virginia Beach in early February and turned right back around for another trip to Texas. We were able to see some family members while there, but came back pretty quickly so the hubby could resume his rotation here.

Since then we had Valentine's, some Wii nights with friends, and a trip to Florida (which will be another post) and the all-important Match Day.

For those not aware with the process, after we completed all the interviews in January, we had to turn in our list of top choices, ranking them one through eight. That was turned in at the end of February. We then had to wait until last week, on Thursday, until we find out where we matched to. The day of the big reveal is a BIG party with all the 100-something students all opening their letters together at 1:00 on the dot. And we did.

More on that, later. Below are pics from our sleigh ride, clear back in January.

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