Monday, March 23, 2009

And the envelope says...

So, Match Day. We had a great time gearing up for the big day. The whole party was a themed shin-dig based on Heros and Villains. And since neither the hubby or I have super-hero physique, we opted to go with some humor and something out of the ordinary.

Meet the sexiest King Arthur and Patsy you'll ever see.

And I'm bragging here. I made these costumes. Sewed them myself and created the sun crest on my Mac on Photoshop and got transfers to iron on. I also made the flag on the backpack (Which was lovingly constructed by the hubby. I don't construct as well as him.), the Holy Grail, a Holy Hand Grenade, the Crown and sewed the chain mail coif for it. I even made the dorky little coif for my head. And even though you can't see it all, on my backpack was the Holy Hand Grenade, a can of Spam and a small shrubbery. It was awesome. We even made the news. Click here to see the link.

But that's not what everyone cares about. We opened our envelope, along with 100-something others, precisely at 1:00 and found out we weren't going back to Texas like we had thought. We matched to the program at Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho.

The word shock does not begin to describe how we felt then and still today, five days later. We're getting more and more excited by the day. But it was very hard for us and family, after thinking for so long and so certainly that we'd be heading back to Texas. But God has bigger plans for us and we're getting geared up for a cross-country move and a new adventure in the Northwest.

And before you say "the only thing I know about Idaho is the potatoes," let me fill you in a little on where we'll be.

It's 2 1/2 hours away from Salt Lake City, 2 hours away from Jackson Hole, Wyoming, 3 hours away from Yellowstone National Park, 3 hours from Sun Valley ski resort, and within a day or two drive of so many places we can't wait to visit.

But that's still a few months off. Here are more pics from the party last week.

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