Thursday, September 04, 2008

Still alive

Well, I haven't died yet. I'm still not enjoying being a single woman, but I'm surviving.

I've got tomorrow (Friday!) and one more week left of my job. So that's a BIG relief. Plus, I talked to a fellow editor today of a few of the local magazines and she wanted to be sure I'd still be available for some free lance writing! Yeah, side money.

Anywho, my biggest news of late is that a lady at my work and I have been working on getting all my old college-era t-shirts into a more-easily-movable format rather than a giant duffel bag full of wadded up shirts. So I culled through many of them and cut out the screens and she artfully and skillfully made them into a beautiful quilt.

It looks FAR better than any attempt at sewing I could have done and she's just so proud of it and has another piece for her portfolio of fine work.

Here's a few pics of how it turned out:

Plus, I've got some shirts we're going to turn into pillows to go along with it. I'm super excited. Let me know what you think!


Allison said...

okay, that is the cutest quilt and the best idea ever (even if it is Baylor shirts- just kidding!)

Anonymous said...

come on now allison. You know an aggie would have never thought of it. Maybe an ETBUer though...

kate kiya said...

Very cool idea with the T-shirts and it looks great!! Last week of work now!! Whoohoo for you!!!

Anonymous said...

wow, I remember some of those in the pictures. very good idea beloved daughter. and to think they were destined to become dust rags.