Monday, July 21, 2008

Vacation pics - last one

Here's the last (and sixth) in this series. For all the previous days photos of our trip, scroll on down.

These are just a few shots from our last couple days on the boat as we sailed home.

Here's us on the last formal night. I don't know what kind of face I'm making...

Here's our table-mates from dinner with our waiter Gilbert. He was great.

And sadly, our last sunset on the ship.

And that's it. There you have it. Our fabulous vacation/cruise/trip of a lifetime. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. If anyone's on the fence about going on a cruise, do it.


Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely photos...a wonderful time had by all...a good practice cruise for Seth's in September...but excuse me...the pictures of the ship's library? They are where? How can one go on a ship for 9 days and never set foot into the lovely peaceful ship's library?

go back and redo!

Amber S. said...

Wow - all of the pictures are great! I want to go on a cruise again now, however, it probably wouldn't be such a great idea in my present condition. hehehe Glad y'all had fun!

Anonymous said...

We did go in the library. Katie got shushed and we didn't take any pictures of the cranky lady who did it.