Thursday, February 21, 2008

Grab bag Thursday

I'm alive, just busy. But for a quick smattering of recent thoughts...

1.) I'm mad the stupid clouds last night kept me from seeing the lunar eclipse. Boo.

2.) Work this week has been a lot of catching up from missed work last week, with some files and photos still MIA. Again, computers don't like fires. However, thanks to the fire we now must keep the A/C running in our department at a cold 66 degrees constantly - even when, like today, it's 30 something outside. I can't feel my toes.

3.) Less than one week until we get out of here and go to West Virginia to see a friend and do some skiing. Woo hoo.

4.) I'm already sick of this presidential election and some states haven't even had their primaries. If this is the best our country can provide as far as leadership, I think we are all in serious trouble. I like no one and don't think I will. However, if paid the right amount...

5.) Life with no TV is about the same. Can't say I don't miss it, but am often too busy to even notice it's not on. I do however notice that I find myself wanting to watch TV's in restaurants more. Thank heaven most sports channels love to show golf. Zzzzz...

6.) The new Jason's Deli out here carries Dublin Dr Pepper in the fountain. I don't know Jason; yet, I now love Jason. Don't know what a Dublin Dr Pepper is? Click here.

7.) I need someone to point out in life's rulebook exactly where it says that after five years of marriage people can irritate the snot out of couples who don't have children. We're approaching six years of marital bliss and the last few months have seen a steady and strong increase of people asking / kidding / nagging / teasing / mentioning / hinting / discussing / talking to strangers or blunting asking about us having and/or not having children. My official, but still polite, stance is that it is absolutely no one's business but mine and my husband's. No one else gets a vote or a say. If you want my unofficial and not polite way of saying it, I leave that to your imagination.

8.) Every time someone mentions the beagle winning the dog show, I think of my childhood pet beagle, Molly, who climb up on a Corvette and scratched up the paint to which my father had to pay to fix. Bad dog.

9.) Speaking of dogs, I'm convinced my Jack Russell will indeed one day be a fine Frisbee catching pup. You just wait. Of course the training DVD will have to wait until after Lent to watch.

And that's about all for now. You may go back to what you were doing.

1 comment:

Allison said...

I promise you I will never ever nag/tease/bother/or anything else you about children! I completely agree that its just between you and your hubby. I also think you should go buy 2 pair of REALLY warm, REALLY thick socks and wear them at the same time to work!! At least it would keep your feet warm. And, last, are you going to west va to see Mark and Terra. If so, I am jealous and you better tell them hi for me and Thomas! Oh, and speaking of Thomas...can you believe my baby boy is going to be 2!! WOW! Tomorrow is his b-day. ya and miss ya! Tell Ben Hi for me too!