Thursday, February 14, 2008

I :heart: Cupid

Cupid's a great guy.

Not only was my Valentine a complete sweetheart and got me awesome flowers AND jewelry (And for the ladies keeping tabs - it came in a little blue box!) but Cupid managed to get me another day with little to do.

I went into the office this morning to be welcomed by people yelling and arguing about the repair work and a whole slew of people parading through my office area while the outside doors were propped WIDE open - allowing 36 degree air to pour in. Yea.

The office still didn't have any e-mail, internet or network - so I got to run stuff out for our home show that's happening this weekend. Once I was "done" there, I ran back into the office and promptly left since there were a ton of people in my office space replacing ceiling tile and getting ready to paint (I think...).

So tomorrow, I go into the office for a little then will spend the rest of my day and all Saturday out at the show taking pictures.

At least Sunday we'll have some time to ourselves and an enjoyable afternoon since we have tickets to Miss Saigon.

Not a shabby week at all. Again, I could SO get use to this kind of schedule... Now, next week - I can already tell you, it's going to be a nightmare.


Anonymous said...

Are you callin' me a pig?

Anonymous said...

I got a ticket to the Royal Dragoons and Black Watch which will be performing this coming Wednesday night. So while your Dad takes the boys to church I get to go hear bagpipes - which I love and no one else in the family likes. Great ticket - best in house. I am happy and I'm not forcing anyone else to listen to "that screeching" as your father once called it.
BTW, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has a piper play beneath her window EVERY MORNING she is in one of her palaces or castles, just as her father King George did. His Royal Highness Prince Phillip, her hubby, can't stand "that bloody catterwalling" and sleeps in his room so he doesn't have to listen. He gets rather irritated when the piper carries over during breakfast, which they always take together. So much for Royal tradition for him.