Friday, November 09, 2007

Oh Friday!

I know, I know. So I haven't been doing this as often as you would have liked. Well, distance makes the heart grow fonder... or something like that.

But to fill you in really quickly, last Friday we went to visit our friends Jeremy and Crystal who are now the proud parents of baby Amaya. We took her THE cutest Pooh hat.

And yes, that is me holding a baby. And any person to comment how cute it looks or how fitting it is gets no grandchildren from me. I make no empty threats - so don't push me people.

On to other subjects..... After baby visiting we went and hammed it up at a game-night party with friends. Hams? Us? Um, yes.

Then Saturday I made the grave mistake of visiting the local Garden Ridge in search of photo frames. That's where I saw these horribly hideous mass production mistakes they call Christmas trees...

All I can say is, "Eww."

Then, Sunday and Monday I was feeling Ewww. Not from ugly trees, but from real allergies. Yuck.

Then, there was work for the rest of the week - mixed in with social obligations, a Wal-Mart date and very cold night time temperatures - and we're now to today, this Friday.

Tonight's agenda? Staying warming and catching up on Netflix. Tomorrow's a day trip to Williamsburg and a William & Mary football tailgate/game. Sunday's back to work for us both - home show for me, hospital for the hubby. Yea.

And that's all for now. You may resume what you were doing.


Allison said...

Oh my gosh! I never even knew Jeremy and Crystal were pregnant! How cool for them! I love the pic of yall being Hams! Too cute! Could you make December come faster...I am ready to see my friends!

kate kiya said...

Hey busy superwoman! Yea...that neon green tree really puts me in the Christmas spirit...if I were sick with Christmas spirit and puked all over a real Christmas tree! Gross! Hope you had a fun day on Saturday, and that the Home show Sunday went smoothly, and here's wishing for you that sometime very soon you will be able to get some seriously good relaxing time in! :)

Christine said...

I'm not even commenting on the blog - I'm commenting on your hair! It's the first picture I've seen of it and I LOOOOOVE it.