Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What to do?

So, tonight's Halloween. Why I never did much trick-or-treating as a kid, I do find the idea of kids dressing up somewhat fun.

But I'm thinking kids. Like our friends' 2- and 4-year old daughters. Not the overgrown punk teenagers that live on our street.

I'm not willing to shell out candy to near-adults who can't even figure out how to move out of the street when I'm driving my car home.

So, while I'm not mean enough (like one blog I read) to leave an empty bowl on my porch (to make it appear I cared enough to leave candy but some other punk kid stole it all) and leave, I'm not rewarding these punks either.

What am I doing? I'm giving out some fun bags I put together for our friends' girls and then my baby and I are heading to dinner and a movie.

Not in the Halloween spirit you say? Well, I'm still not 100% sure these punk kids weren't the ones to knock over the wood pile we JUST piled up Sunday - only to be found knocked over Monday morning... So, everyone gets punished. Only my favorites get candy and I get dinner out AND a movie.

Sounds about right to me...


kate kiya said...

Great Katies think alike! We are not handing out candy this year either- the years we have the majority of kids we get are rude little brats ("I don't LIKE this candy!"..."I want more than ONE!"...and most don't even say "trick or treat!" they just glare at you when you open the door) and one year I bought all kinds of candy and no kids come at I disconnected the door bell and as soon as Leo pulls in the driveway when he's home from work, we're going out for dinner too!! :)

Anonymous said...

one lady on the radio said she had two buckets of candy - good stuff for the little ones and gross old candy for the teenagers.
Of course, we didn't do anything, turned all outside lights off and went to church