Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Here and there

So, we got to Idaho. It was an interesting trip. But we got here Saturday and turned around hit the road again. This time we headed to Texas, stopping in Denver for the night with some great friends, Christine and Mike and their little one, Davis.

We got to Texas just in time to see my little sister get hitched in the same church we got married in 7 years before. Nearly all the family turned out and celebrated with the newlyweds. It was great catching up with everyone and sharing in the fun family occasions. 

I'd love to post some of my photos, but shortly after returning from our Texas adventures my brand-new Macbook decided to forget how to start-up, leaving us no choice but to send it off to Apple for a new hard drive. This resulted in a complete loss of all my files, photos, music. Everything. UGH.

Anyway, after the wedding we took several days and visited the hubby's family near Post. Managed to get some sun out on the lake and the hubby got his fishing in. It was nice to have some downtime after all the hectic scheduling of moving and traveling. 

But even R&R must end, so we left the lake to head back to my family's to see my two little brothers graduate from high school. It was so fun to see them both have their special moment and cross the stage at the same time. That leaves only one more little brother to go, and that's still 5 years away. Again, my pics are gone, but I hope to get them back from my folks down the road since I put them on their computer.

We headed back to Idaho, again staying with the Jenneys, but in their new home a little south of Denver. You know you have good friends when they let you stay with them in the middle of a move! We got into our new zip code with no extra time to spare, moving all our stuff out of our realtor's garage and into our house the very next morning. That left us one day, Sunday, to sort and unpack some before the hubby began his new job Monday at 8 o'clock. Can you see how I haven't had much time for blogging?!?

The weekend after he began his job, we went to Island Park, Idaho for the Residency retreat for all the residency staff and residents. It was nice getting to know the people we'll be with for the next three years. Too bad it was rainy and pretty cool. Tent camping in the rain just isn't nearly as fun. But the pups stuck it out with us and I got to visit Yellowstone National Park for my first time!

With the retreat behind us and the hubby going to work everyday, I was left with the details of getting utilities set up, cars registered in Idaho and the house in order and somewhat decorated in time for his parents to come visit this past week. It's still not 100 percent where we'd like it to be, but we've got to buy shelving and window treatments and little things to really make it a home. All that takes money, so little by little it'll come together.

My job now is job-hunting and getting ready to begin classes in about a month. Of course I've got to still see to the critters and house details. We finally closed on the house yesterday, so (along with the bank) we own our house and can continue making it everything we know it can be. And the best part is we've sent off our amended tax return, giving us the first-time homebuyers tax credit that we can use to make things really happen around here - like installing a yard, sprinkler system, a fence, the air conditioner, etc. 

But, for right now, I'll post a couple of pictures of the inside of house from a couple of weeks ago. We've done a little since then, but nothing overly dramatic.

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