Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bumping against a Wall

So, when I last left you, we just finished our trip through the Badlands and its washboard dirt roads. After our brief visit into the Badlands Visitors Center, we took the interstate back into town. On the way back in, we kept driving past signs for Wall Drug in Wall. Now Wall Drug is not your local Walgreens or CVS, it's an entire city block (or more?) of tourist trap. It's claim to fame was offering FREE ice water to travels back in the 40's. Now, sure, there are some interesting things in the mega-mall of stuff (besides the free ice water), but it was just a lot of junk and trinkets from what I could see. But among the stuff are some crazy things - like giant animatronic cattle-drive campfire singers, TONS of mounted dead things, a chapel, and some props for picture taking. We were only there a few minutes since it was closing time, but we did get a few pics...

Since we couldn't eat at the drug store, we went across the street (in the snow!) to eat at the Cactus Cafe Mexican restaurant. The funniest two things there were the fact it offers no Mexican food - except in the summer months (migrant workers/chefs apparently only go up to South Dakota in the summer?) and the menu looked funny.

So that's our trip to Wall.

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