Monday, July 21, 2008

Breaking it down...

SO, here I am - late as usual - with what I've promised. But it's finally here.

I'm going to break our cruise down into a few different posts and post a lot of pictures in each - rather than try to make a slide show. I think some people have a hard time seeing it when I do slide shows. So be sure to scroll down to see previous days, etc.

This first post will be pics from the first couple of days on the boat while we're cruising to our first port.

This is our ship at the dock here in Norfolk. Our cabin was on the other side on the fourth deck towards the very front.

Hats are awesome, but standing in line to get on the ship wasn't as awesome. But it really did go by quickly and we were on in no time

Us - waiting to get out of Norfolk...

Me donning the latest in Muster Drill wear. Sexy!

As we left town, we cruised by the Naval Station and got to see all the ships and this submarine.

This is the centrum - the open center of the ship.

Belly flop contest - we didn't enter but I got some fun shots of a couple guys mid-air - this being one of them.
Here we are all dolled up for our first formal night. Not too bad.

Here we are in the dining room by the stairs. We sat at a table of 6 on the lower level and had great center seats right by the captain's table.

Here I am before we played Bingo on one of the sea days. I'm giving my hubby "the look."

And here I am in a much better mood after winning $104 bucks at Bingo. The worst part of bingo is hearing the caller saying "poke-it and a-fold-it" over and over.

Here's more of the centrum...

And us out by the pretty blue water...

And a quick self-portrait after dinner one night...

And me, being a bad, bad baptist. But don't worry, we didn't lose any big money or anything crazy. However, we did see some people shelling out A LOT of cash. Yikes!

And that takes us up to the next day - Puerto Rico!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uhmmmm, your boat is definately bigger than the one we were - and will be again - n, but we had a very cool Italian captain - Peirre Palo Scala

hope Sept won't be too much of a come down for you! But it still was fun, and the food was great and beautifully done!

you inherited your bingo skill from your father. All I do is lose at the nickel slots!