Tuesday, June 03, 2008

And here's June...

Again, life keeps trucking on and we're busy as ever.

Last week was Memorial Day which we spent down in Sandbridge at the beach with our friends M&T (to keep them semi-anonymous), T's parents and our friends A&R and their two girls. M&T use to live here but moved away in the fall of 2006. So they and T's parents got a beach house for the week.

We made several trips down there and enjoyed hanging out and catching up. The visit was too short, but was great to have them around for what little bit we did. The dogs might have enjoyed having them around even more - as they brought their two Jack Russells - Annie and Tucker (I don't see a need to keep the dogs anonymous). They four were quite a pack and had a blast getting all sandy and wet chasing one another and wrestling on the beach.

They even were nice to Baylee after she got shaved Friday at her groomer's appointment. Mommy was a bad doggie-parent and didn't get to brush her out fully before the appointment and the cranky grooming lady didn't want to bother to actually GROOM the dog, and thus gave Baylee a close shave all over. She looks like a rat with a beard and eyebrows. I'll try to get some pics up later in the week.

Then this past weekend and yesterday I've been working to get my house clean for a Pampered Chef party. The hubby isn't a fan of the idea, but it should be fun with several ladies from our new Sunday School class and my work attending. Hubby's going to go hang out with R and avoid the high levels of estrogen in the house.

And that's about it for now. Nothing exciting, but it's something - which keep me from hearing the grief that I haven't updated the blog. I know I haven't, but I'm one person with only 24 hours in my day. If anyone knows how to upgrade to get an extra few hours in addition to the basic 24, let me know.

1 comment:

Allison said...

If I could go to bed earlier and sleep all night, I would be happy to give you some of my day. I am jealous of who you got to spend time with! Wish Thomas and I could have been there too. Need to call you...so much to tell. Miss you guys!