Wednesday, March 05, 2008

One month down

So we've now made it roughly a month without the TV. Are we lost without it? No. Do I miss it? Some days. But then again, I've never been a huge TV junkie.

I don't watch American Idol. I'm not a Lost fan. I don't need ESPN except on a rare occasion when (like tonight) Baylor's on TV. (We'll just have to keep updated on the Internet.)

To replace TV, I think we've spent a little more time surfing the Internet and playing video games. Which have led me to knowing I am not a video game junkie either.

I get too easily frustrated when thing don't work the way I want/need them to. I especially hate when I can't make the remote do what I want it to. I want to throw it. And yes, I know it's stupid to get so upset over a video game, but that's just me. If I'm invested enough to play, I want to win and make it go well, not fumble and fail. So I get mad. And then I yell. And then I finally just have to quit before I get too mad.

Maybe next year for lent we'll give up video games...

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