Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Computers no likey fire

Another title to today's post could have been: How to get a day off work.

Apparently at sometime in the early a.m., the air-conditioning unit in our office's computer server/network room caught on fire.

Now, that's not a good thing, in any form. But the irony of it all was that the a/c unit was installed last year to prevent the numerous machines, servers and computers in the room from catching on fire.

So now the object employed to prevent fires, has itself caught on fire. Luckily, the office maintenance man came in early today and saw the smoke, called the fire department and kept the entire building from going up. The damage was contained to mainly one area - which unfortunately was right around the corner from my office.

All in all, the fire went on long enough to a.) pull all the smoke/soot into the main a/c unit for the building and send the charred smell and smoke throughout; b.) get smokey soot into all the servers (yet without burning/melting any of them) so that the entire "brains" of our entire network and system are being taken down and must be sent away for proper cleaning; and c.) make it pretty much impossible to work in the office.

So, I'm home doing what "work" I can without any of my files from the office and with no company e-mail. Fun. Photos below of what was left of the a/c unit. I didn't get any of the office or server room - sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the important part was that you weren't there when it happened.