Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Yep, that's right on.

It's no little-known fact that my little grey dog love to chew things up into bits.

We've recently lost a pair of flip flops, another pair of sunglasses, countless paper products and even the allowable dog toys to her. We've come to terms with her chewing for the most part and have yet to beat her to death. Although, the thought has flooded my mind more than once.

So I found this chart and made a few modifications - but it truly captures the thoughts of my two beasts, I mean dogs.

Click on it to make it larger...

1 comment:

kate kiya said...

awwww...Baylee's acting up huh? She's just sad that her Auntie Kate & Uncle Leo can't come for Thanksgiving this year....booo!!! Instead they will have to suffer with family...boo again! I feel like chewing up something too... :( Miss you girl!