Wednesday, November 21, 2007


In thinking of all I have to be thankful for this year, I thought of so many things. So many I didn't want to go into a lengthy list. But right up there with my husband, my family, my friends, my pets and my health - I count my sense of humor

Without it, many times I would be far more cranky and maybe even unappreciative of the short list I did rattle off in the above sentence.

Sure, looking back things that are now laughing matters might not have been before... (like my dog eating my bluetooth) but the laughs are plentiful and I can appreciate all the humor that surrounds me daily.

I like to laugh and to laugh with others and share in the joy. It's hard to be angry or resentful when you're laughing. It's hard to wish for evil or feel hate when you're in stitches with laughter. I like laughing and humor far more than jealousy and bitterness.

So when you're with friends and family this holiday weekend, remember to laugh and make the best of the situation. Not going to be with loved-ones this weekend? Think back and remember something that made you share laughs with them.

Be thankful and remember it's better to laugh than to cry.

1 comment:

kate kiya said...

hope you two had a happy turkey day! and happy birthday today lady katie!! :)