Monday, November 12, 2007

Crowder Love

I Love me some David Crowder* Band. It's a well know fact.

I fell in love with Crowder's funky beat and vibe back when I went to UBC (better known as the Rock-n-Roll Church to my parents) during my Baylor years. Through that church, Kyle Lake, and the Crowder band I will forever remember some of the best moments I spent in the presence of God himself.

But Crowder's got an all-out-hilarious side too. I loved those guys and still follow them closely. (And on a side note, should they happen upon this... Boo to them for not coming to my neck of the woods on their current tour!)

But I wanted to share with you two quick reason I love the band as I do.

First, their great first music video. Yes, it's been out awhile. Yes, it is animated. And yes, it involves a squirrel army. Just watch it - it's highly entertaining!

'Foreverandever' by David Crowder Band
'Foreverandever' by David Crowder Band

And second, I love them because they write things like this on their Myspace blog:

Friday, November 09, 2007

Sum rulz 4 messaging

There are some things that have come to our attention as of late. One is that since we have been on the road, the amount of messages that we have received has gone dramatically up in number. For the most part we see this as a good thing. It means that people are out there, paying attention, feeling like they are a part of what we have going on here with this little club tour and they wish to tell us about it. We enjoy this.

But with the increase in messages that we read (and we read every single one of them, even if we don't respond to all of them) we have noticed an increase in something else, something that makes us chuckle at first and then turn sad and grumpy.

That something is the astonishing amount of poor spelling/grammar that pervades the universe of Myspace. And when we say astonishing, what we really mean is mind-boggling, spine-crushing, soul-suckingly bad spelling/grammar. (Please note that the presence of made up words in this blog is intentional and noted.)

Part of us dies every time we receive a message that says, "I seen you last night" instead of the more socially accepted "I saw you last night." Also, "why r for u guys come to where im at?"


Here are some other examples that have cropped up:
1) Letter substitutions. If you mean to say, "see you later," do not write, "c u laterz."
2) Contractions. These are tough, so it is understandable that we would see quite a bit of misuse. But seeing as how every single one of you (the exception being Darren King of Mute Math) uses contractions in day to day speech, it is borderline unacceptable. If in doubt, look it up!
3) Possessives. Difficulty rating? 10.
4) To, too, and two. One of those refers to a number (two), one means "also" (too), and the other one takes care of everything else (to). Moving on!
5) Spelling. OK, we make up words. So can you. But we also have that little option inside of our computers turned on that underlines spelling mistakes with a squiggly red line. So can you.
6) Grammar, in general. See number 5, but with the squiggly green line.

That should do it for a while. Now, you might be thinking, "Hogan, you jerk, there are countless examples of poor spelling/grammar in your blogs. What gives you the right to get on our case? We are the fans, you ingrate!" And you would be correct.

My spouse tells me about it every time. But I am the one writing this thing, so there! And I feel a little empowered because for once I am speaking for the other guys in the band.

We all read these things, so keep the cell phone texting business where it belongs: on the cell phones of 14-year-old girls.

Love you,

Couldn't have said it better myself, Hogan! And for those of you wondering, Hogan is the electric violin/fiddler for the band. He also scratches on the turntables. And he was also the object of hidden affection by my college roommate for a couple of years... Got to love Fiddleboy!

1 comment:

kate kiya said...

very nice. I agree with him about the grammar mistakes- people need to learn the basics at least!- there's a guy Leo works with who supposedly has a Master's Degree from MIT and repeatedly butchers the English language in e-mails, effectively driving everyone insane- its/it's is a HUGE problem of his...sheesh- basic grammar isn't rocket science! :)