Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What's going on?

Well, I can't say that too terribly much is happening at this moment. I had a nice weekend this past weekend of not doing much and catching some quality time with my sweetheart when he wasn't on call up at the hospital. The whole concept of him working overnights up at the hospital is pretty new to us, and while I'm not happy he's gone, I'm happy he's learning and daily coming closer to his goal of practicing medicine.

Work's not exactly slow for me, but the nightmare of October is almost over and we're moving more into a spaced out hectic schedule rather than a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am frenzy of the past couple of months.

With that being said, you should be seeing a few modifications to my blog. Blogger is getting better with some new added features and widgets, so that ought to make blogging, and reading my blog, more fun for all of us. Also, be sure to check out below the modified slideshow pics from a couple weekends ago. I made it into an actual slide show instead of you having to click through it. You can thank me later.

I'm hoping on keeping this more updated than once a week, but will make no promises as my life isn't at a turtle's pace or even close to it. I'm not just breezing through my days eating chocolates (not that I even would if I could - however, ice cream's another story) or being a couch potato.

But what's going on now? Well, the sweetheart's still in the middle of his internal medicine rotation. That involves lots of examinations you would never want to give or receive and mounds of paperwork. Plus, lots of climbing stairs throughout the hospital following around higher-ups while they do their thing. Yea.

Me? I'm working and counting down the months until we move on to our next step in the whole life-living-process. I'm really beginning to get tired of my day-in-day-out job requirements and dealing with the same stuff over and over. I still like my job overall, it's just lost the luster of newness and excitement it once held. I guess I'm wanting a new challenge. Can't blame a girl for wanting something a little more exciting and new, right?

In the meantime, I've enjoyed seeing some old friends this month and doing sightseeing around the country some. I love traveling. There's nothing like packing a bag and going somewhere new or unexplored. Like D.C. - I've been there countless times, but there's still always something I haven't done there before. Plus, it's nice getting to see old favorites over and over.

So what travels are in store for us over the next couple of months? Well, Thanksgiving and my birthday will be spent here. We'll definitely miss the annual visit from Kate-The-Great and her hubby, but understand with the big changes (a move across the globe!) in store for them, it's not do-able at this time. Christmas will see us back in Texas for a few days - spreading our love across the Lone Star State with family and friends. Then on into 2008, I'm hoping for some good skiing in February at Wintergreen and possibly Snowshoe, WV. :::Fingers crossed:::

SO, that's all I've got for now. Just wanted to post a catch-up for those who've actually missed hearing from me.


Allison said...

I am so excited at the prospect of getting to see you around Christmas! I miss hearing from you, but I understand busy. Heck...look at the last time I blogged!!! I guess now I should post one too. Maybe tonight after trick or treating! Anyway..just wanted to say hi! I will talk to you later

kate kiya said...

We'll miss you too! We have to spend Thanksgiving with my family and it is going to be insane!!! Glad you had some good time to relax girl- catch you again soon!!