Thursday, September 27, 2007

Let's get smarter!

Ran across a link for these fine words today on my morning go-round of blogs I tend to read. Pretty much can say I didn't know any of these. Still couldn't pronounce a few to save my life...

But here are twenty fun words that might get you looked at funny should you actually use them in public...

1. Erinaceous
Like a hedgehog

2. Lamprophony
Loudness and clarity of voice

3. Depone
To testify under oath

4. Finnimbrun
A trinket or knick-knack

5. floccinaucinihilipilification
Estimation that something is valueless.

6. Inaniloquent
To babble

7. Limerance
To be in love

8. Mesonoxian
Pertaining to midnight

9. Mungo
A dumpster diver - one who extracts valuable things from trash

10. Nihilarian
A person who deals with things lacking importance

11. Nudiustertian
The day before yesterday

12. Phenakism
Deception or trickery

13. Pronk
A weak or foolish person

14. Pulveratricious
Covered with dust

15. Rastaquouere
A social climber

16. Scopperloit
Rude or rough play

17. Selcouth
Unfamiliar, rare, strange, marvelous, wonderful
(For example: Marcum Memoirs is such a selcouth blog!)

18. Tyrotoxism
To be poisoned by cheese

19. Widdiful
Someone who deserves to be hanged

20. Zabernism
The abuse of military power or authority

:::WHEW::: I feel smarter now. Don't you? (Apparently my spell-checker doesn't since it didn't recognize a single one of the words...)

1 comment:

kate kiya said...

tyrotoxism would be a good way to kill me off because I love my cheese! :) Great words- it's amazing how many words there are in the English language that you would never ever hear of unless you hunted for them...or find them in a random crossword puzzle- I found a unique one that way: yegg- a safecracker!